According to a survey by the Associação Brasileira das Indústrias Exportadoras de Carnes (ABIEC), Brazil is the leader in the world ranking of the largest exporters of beef.

Furthermore, it is among the six largest milk producers in the world, according to a research by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).

To ensure the final quality of these products, it is essential to have mostly good practices from the beginning of the process, such as in management. But routines such as proper cleaning of utensils and equipment, as well as regular food inspection, are also necessary.

This means having the proper conditions to achieve good animal production performance, such as balanced nutrition, a healthy environment, proper animal management, and an up-to-date vaccination schedule. In addition to a quality product for the end consumer.

All of this is important and indispensable to ensure that this scenario, in which the country stands out in livestock farming, remains profitable for the producer, even in the face of eventualities in production and the domestic market.

Regarding the practices that must be adopted to ensure the health of the herd, they include essential care, which we will discuss below. These good practices ensure safety for both production and the consumer.

See below four tips on how to protect the health of the herd.

Herd health: 4 important and essential tips


Vaccination is one of the most important strategies when it comes to disease prevention, such as rabies and clostridial diseases, but some extra precautions are necessary.

The effectiveness of vaccination is essential for successful animal responses and results for the producer. It is necessary to consider some steps, such as faithfully following the package insert instructions, respecting good vaccination practices, and above all, choosing a trusted and traditional vaccine.

– Correct material for vaccine administration.

– Equipment always sterilized;

– Personal protective equipment;

– Proper disposal of vaccine vials and product waste;

– Maintain calmness when handling animals;

– Prefer times with mild temperatures;

– Never vaccinate sick animals.

Choose a vaccine of good origin and reliable, choose Starvac.

The vaccination process should be conducted calmly, at times with mild temperatures. Another care is not to vaccinate sick animals. One valuable tip is to acquire vaccines with good provenance and a tradition in the market, such as Starvac.


Proper nutrition is essential for animals to develop in a healthy way. For this, they need to have fresh water and food, in good quantity and quality.

Water must be constantly evaluated, and supplementary foods must be obtained from reliable suppliers and stored under good conditions, as well as feed for different species in separate locations.

Grazing livestock can suffer due to the nutritional limitation of pastures during drought periods. Therefore, another fundamental factor for animal health and welfare is the use of supplementation, to replenish vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and other nutrients that the herd may require. Labovet offers in its portfolio the Modificador Orgânico Profit (Profit Organic Modifier) that meets these and other needs. Stimulates the animal’s organic functions, improving its performance and productivity.

Cleanliness and well-being

Did you know that stressed, sick, uncomfortable, or malnourished animals develop hormonal patterns out of the ordinary, and that this can cause effects on the quality of milk or meat?

Well, that’s right! To avoid such interference, it is necessary to analyze procedures that may cause unnecessary pain, as well as to evaluate the facilities where the animals are kept. That is to say, all management conduct and herd conditions.

Finally, always keep everything clean, with adequate ventilation, food, and space, without animals being cramped and/or suffering any harm.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the risk of escape, and avoid the animal coming into contact with toxic materials or poisonous plants. We cannot forget about the training of farm employees, so that they are attentive and follow all vaccination and management protocols correctly.


Management practices and the environment also influence the health and well-being of herds.

These good practices include:

  • Keeping animals separated into uniform groups;
  • Ensuring good quality pastures for the year;
  • Rotation of crops and pastures;
  • Quality water for the animals;
  • Investing in shading;
  • Avoiding steep and very wet terrain.

In summary, these practices ensure the health of the herd and prioritize their integrity and well-being.

To assist in good practices for herd health, you can count on the tradition and effectiveness of Labovet products, such as the Starvac vaccine, to prevent clostridial diseases and the organic modifier Profit, for herd supplementation.

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